How to Tranpose Data in Knime

April 12, 2022

How to Transpose your data in Knime

Hey data friends, today we’re going to walk through how to transpose your data sets in the Knime Analytics Platform. This one is an easy one, so we won’t be long.

To get started, we’re going to be working with the following data set:

Data Set we will transpose in Knime
Data Set that will be Transposed in Knime

This table has Names for different categories and the corresponding category codes, all in tabular form. We’re going to transpose the data so that the category codes and names run horizontally in their own columns.

To get this done, we will need to use the transpose node. Type “transpose” into your node repository, just like in the image below:

The Transpose Node in the Node Repository
The Transpose Node in the Node Repository

Drag and drop the node into your workflow and connect it to the data source node.

Transpose Node in Knime
Transpose Node

Now here’s the most difficult part of the job, right click on the connected transpose node and select the Execute option!

Executing a Transpose Node in the Knime Analytics Platform
Executing a Node in the Knime Analytics Platform

That’s all there is to it, this is one of the easiest nodes to use because there is no configuration to be done. If you click into the node you’ll see a “Chunk size” option that you can adjust, but it’s not necessary to adjust.

Our final data output should look like the below:

Data Transposed in Knime
Data Transposed in Knime

If you have any questions you can reach me through my DMs on Twitter @Cest_Nick . Don’t forget to share this post with any of your data friends that you think might find this interesting or helpful! Otherwise,  I’ll catch you on the next post!


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